Friday, January 22, 2010

Ahh!!! shoes!!

Okay, okay, so the name sounds dubious, but let me explain! Super cute vintage darling Twilla shared a link for Babygirl Boutique clothing. They specialize in rockabilly, vintage, indie, alternative, and retro fashions. I love their selection of Bordello shoes online... just wanted to share some of my faves...

From Bordello

And here are a few others from their shoe section that I thought were kind of cool:

I love all the straps and buckles, and of course patent leather going on, but there are a few things I would change about these guys. The solid red ones are okay, but the quilted ones could do without the little tattoo designs. They're cute, but I think they could be taken more seriously without the cutesy little stars and birds. I think the quilting pattern adds enough to them. The patent leather itself is either stitched or stamped to create the pattern. I think it would be cooler if they used actual netting instead, but then, it wouldn't be "quilted," it would just be covered in fabric lol...

1 comment:

  1. oh man those are hot! i totally agree about the tatoo design too.
